
Si pe aceasta cale aduc cele mai alese multumiri tuturor celor care sunt alaturi de Andrei, sprijinindu-l moral sau material. 
           DOANME ALUTA-L !

Sunt bunicul lui Andrei si va multumesc pentru donatie. Pe 2.07.2012 in timp ce executa un dans acrobatic si-a fracturat coloana vertebrala in zona C4-C6. Dupa accident a ramas complet paralizat. In present se afla pentru tratament si recuperare intr-o clinica de specialitate din Germania. Speram ca cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu si sprijinul material si moral al sustinatorilor sa se faca bine.
 Va rog sa transmiteti acest mesaj si altor personae cu credinta in Dumnezeu si care doresc sa faca o fapta buna. Donatiile se pot face prin PayPal.
I am the grandfather of Andrew and thank you for your donation. On 02.07.2012 while executing acrobatic dance has fractured spine in the C4-C6. After the accident remained completely paralyzed. In the present treatment and recovery is a specialty clinic in Germany. We hope that with God's help and support material and moral supporters to get better.
  Please send this message to other people with faith in God and want to do a good deed. Donations can be made via PayPal.

Petrișor George Give a pray for Andrei – Support Andrei for his recovery
Donate for Andrei with: Andrei is from Romania, Iasi, he is only 17, and his fam...Vezi mai mult

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To know Andrei's case better and give some donations access:


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